Track Your Package

When your order is shipped, we will send you an email with logistics information. With your tracking number, You can click on "track your order" to track your package, or you can find "track your order" in the footer to track your package.If you encounter any problems, please contact us, and we will assist you.


Find a Missing Package That Shows as Delivered

Most packages arrive on time. In rare cases, tracking may show as 'delivered' but your package seems to be not yet received.

If your tracking information shows your package as delivered but you cannot find it:

1. Verify the delivery address on your order.
2. Look for attempted delivery notifications.
3. Check the delivery location for your package.
4. See if someone else accepted the delivery, unless you have health or safety concerns.
5. Check your mailbox or other places you receive mail. Some packages are shipped through multiple carriers.
6. Wait for 48 hours. In rare cases, packages may be marked as delivered up to 48 hours before arrival.
If you still haven't received your package, please contact us within 30 days after the expected delivery date. We will do our best to assist you.

Cancel Items and Orders

You can cancel physical items or orders that have not yet entered the shipping process.

1. Contact us via email.
2. We will verify if your product status meets our refund policy.
3. We will process a refund for you, and you will receive the refund within two hours of the cancellation.